Welcome to Creative Critter Solutions
Resolve issues with Gophers, Roof Rats, Moles, Voles, Deer, Tree squirrels, Skunks, Raccoons, Opossums, Mice, Ants, Bats, Wild Turkeys, Wild Rabbits, and other Common Wildlife in the home and garden.
Thank you for your interest in an effective, non-toxic, and humane approach to the wildlife that may visit your home or garden. Take advantage of this opportunity to pick up information and useful tips from a wildlife educator. This site will display new information and be updated from time to time. Visit it often, and tell others about it.
If you have unwanted wildlife in your home or on your property, do not panic. Be patient. Take time to follow the suggestions given on this site. You will be surprised how easy it is to solve the situation effectively and humanely.
The Purpose of This Site:
The purpose of this site is to provide information. The suggestions provided here seek the best outcome for both you and the animals. They are based on the premise that there is no need to harm or kill wildlife. If a critter is killed, another animal will often move into the ecological vacancy that is left, and the situation continues as before. John Hadidian, Ph.D., for many years Senior Scientist for the wildlife program of the Humane Society of the United States, says, “...in most cases the conflicts between wild animals and humans can be resolved without harm to living creatures [and nonlethal methods] often are the cheapest and the most practical and lasting of solutions.” Most troubling wildlife situations can be prevented or eliminated by removing or modifying attractants, installing physical barriers, and using repellents.
Understanding Wild Critters:
Understanding and accepting wildlife are basic to solving situations involving wildlife. If you do not have immediate results, try another humane method or a combination of humane methods. Donʼt give up. One must have patience when working in harmony with nature. In time, these methods lead to success. For example, installing perimeter wire fencing around a specific part of one’s garden may seem a bother. However, once it is done and done securely, you will have an area protected from gophers if the fencing is well maintained.
It helps to keep in mind that wild critters intend no harm to humans. They are not trying to outwit us. There is no battle between wildlife and us. Wild critters are simply going about their lives with the same basic needs as we have: searching for shelter, finding food, establishing families, and raising their young. Wildlife must depend entirely on the food they find. There are no grocery stores for wild critters. If you have wildlife living near you, they are finding what they need to survive, such as easily accessible shelter, food, and water.
Deciding What to Do:
If wild creatures are not bothering you, it may be best simply to leave them alone. If they are seriously bothering you, calmly implement the effective and humane methods described on this web site. Itʼs much easier on everyone when a level of harmonious co-existence is achieved.
Make every effort to avoid handling wildlife. Most of these suggestions do not involve direct contact with wildlife. However, it is expected that those who follow the suggestions will take precautions in case they do unexpectedly confront or handle wildlife. Wild creatures do not know that you intend no harm. Naturally, they will be terrified and try to defend themselves. Have some long, thick gloves handy.
Contact your local wildlife rehabilitation center if you find injured or sick wildlife. A directory of wildlife rehabilitation centers in the United States and some other countries can be found at National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association.
If you are searching for a wildlife rehabilitation center in a specific country, ask the National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association mentioned above for referrals and search the Internet for wildlife rehabilitation centers in that country.
If the critter you are concerned about is not listed on the left side of this page, links listed on the “Resources and Links” page can guide you to the information you are seeking.
How to prevent most problems with wildlife:
- Let wild creatures find their own food in nature. Donʼt intentionally feed wildlife or unintentionally leave food available in open garbage cans, open compost piles, and pet food dishes. Keep tight lids on garbage cans and compost bins. Feed pets indoors, and refrigerate uneaten pet food. Pick up fallen fruits and nuts.
- Likewise, donʼt feed wild birds. Wild birds can become dependent on you, and spilled seeds will attract unwanted critters. However, clean birdbaths filled with fresh water daily are good for birds all year long.
- Close all access holes in your home. Typically, holes occur in foundation vent screens, under the eaves, in the roof, in the sub-floor, in closets, and under doors. Such openings are like invitations that say, “Welcome, please come in”, to critters who are searching for shelter and food. Use inexpensive hardware cloth to close the openings. On this site you will find specific information on how to avoid sealing critters inside as you close their access holes. Click on the names of the critters listed on the left side of this page to learn how.
- Cap your chimney with a spark arrester that meets the fire code of your area.
- Trim trees and shrubbery only in late November and in December, the months in the northern hemisphere when most mammals and birds are not nesting. In the southern hemisphere trim trees only in non-nesting months.
- If you find that a confused wild critter has accidentally entered your residence, close the interior doors to the room where the critter is, and open windows and doors that lead outside. Stay out of sight to avoid frightening the animal. Wait until the critter exits. After it leaves, shut the windows and doors.
The wild creatures featured on this web site are common throughout California. They are also found in many other parts of the world.
Thank you for seeking effective, non-toxic, and humane solutions to situations involving wildlife. Contact Creative Critter Solutions by .