Looking for information on a critter that is not listed on this website?
The following resources may have it.
The Beaver Institute is a national nonprofit organization that educates the public about how beavers benefit wetland ecosystems. It works with landowners and local governments to install flow devices and other nonlethal preventive measures and trains wildlife professionals how to install and maintain them properly. Contact The Beaver Institute at 413-695-0484 or by .
Canada Geese
Canada Geese that take up residence year-round can coexist with residents harmoniously in communities that are geese-wise. Their presence is valued and appreciated by communities that know how to humanely maintain their numbers at a comfortable level for both the residents and the geese. To learn how, contact: GeesePeace and The Humane Society of the United States.
Project Coyote, a fiscally sponsored project of the national nonprofit Earth Island Institute, is a North American coalition of wildlife scientists, educators, predator-friendly ranchers and community leaders that promotes compassionate conservation and coexistence between people and wildlife. Project Coyote works to change negative attitudes toward coyotes, wolves and other native carnivores of America by replacing ignorance and fear with understanding, respect and appreciation.
Coyote Conflict Resolution is sponsored by the nonprofit Humane Society of the United States. The site addresses concerns of residents when coyotes are seen in their communities. It includes information on preventing and solving issues involving coyotes that is gathered from scientific and peer-reviewed articles, experts in the field of human-coyote conflict resolution, and successful coyote management plans across the United States.
Mountain Lions
Mountain Lion Foundation is a nonprofit organization that educates the public on living safely near mountain lion habitat, offers guidance on providing predator-proof housing for domestic animals, and advocates for protecting mountain lions and their wild habitat through outreach to the public.
Prairie Dogs
Prairie Dogs are the focus of Habitat Harmony, a nonprofit organization in Arizona that helps people live in harmony with wildlife through education, public policy advocacy, habitat improvement and preservation, and relocation. It has saved the lives of many prairie dogs whose home is threatened by development by relocating them to new, safe habitat. Its handbook for public and private landowners, A Non-Lethal Management Guide for Gunnison’s Prairie Dogs, describes humane, non-lethal methods for removing prairie dogs and preventing future colonization. A copy of the handbook can be downloaded here.
Wildcare is a nonprofit organization in northern California that provides rehabilitation services for wildlife and education about wildlife. Its website offers many useful strategies for resolving issues with wildlife. 415-456-7283.
Wild Neighbors: The Humane Approach to Living with Wildlife (book) by John Hadidian Ph.D. et al. provides practical, humane, and effective advice on how to share living space with 35 of the most common species found in the lower 48 states—from alligators to woodpeckers. Advice focuses on how to properly and accurately define a wildlife problem; determine what type of animal is causing it; identify the damage; effectively take action for a humane and permanent solution; and proactively avoid future conflicts. At Wild Neighbors look under “Browse Research and Scholarship” click on "books”. Then select and download the book, Wild Neighbors (the face of a large orange fox is on the cover). Find the species you are researching in the Table of Contents. The information you find will be well worth the effort.
The Humane Society of the United States
Learn how to solve situations with many more wild critters, from antelope to woodchuck.